Thursday, July 25, 2013


Studying in the van

Good Kick

Well done, Laura!

Resting after playing

Trying some shots


Laura trying hard

Yesterday, at class, we saw the film The Hunger Games. In my opinion, the film is not as good as the book. After class, we went to Mc Donalds to have lunch. While we were having lunch, it started to rain a lot so we had to cancel our plan of visiting the Circle B Range. Circle B Range is a natural park where you can see different kinds of animals such as autochthonous plants and birds and even alligators! Sadly the weather unable us to visit it. In front of this situation, we went back to Polk State College. Once there, we played ping pong. Then, as it stopped raining we went to a soccer ground, and we played soccer for a while. It was tiring because it was really hot. Finally, we went to the basketball court and play some games. It was an sporty afternoon!!


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