News from the students of the English Language Summer Program Idiomas Padre Manyanet held in Winter Haven, FLORIDA.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Last day in Florida
This has been an amazing month in USA. We have had a lot of fun with our host families and friends. We have been to very nice theme parks. We also did a lot of shopping and we met new people. Also classes with Martha and Abbey have been very helpful. We are very exited to go to New York. All in all, we have spent a great month in Florida.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Pool Party at Steeler's house.
I the party there were hot dogs, delicious spicy wings, drinks and a lot of american food. We had a great time at this party.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Thursday 21st
So it was a great day.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Sun'n Fun Museum
Yesterday, we continue with the classes in the morning. Then we went to eat to Golden Corral in Lakeland. In the afternoon we went to the airplanes museum Sun’n Fun. There were very funny airplanes and it was a good visit.
The museum had racing planes, aircraft, engines, fighter jets and more. We also saw the wing structure of a plane and some wooden models. Our guide, Joyce, told us many stories and showed us a map given to Howard Hughes (The Aviator) by Katherine Hepburn for his accomplishment of his around the world flight. ThThen we leave the building to head to another where there was some warplanes struck us. The best airplanes for me were these airplanes.
by Miguel
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday 20th July
In the very begining of the day, my host family took me to the College. During the lessons we played word-games, and, after the break we played some games of English on the computers.
We had lunch at Pizza Hut while we were there, we met a priest, Father Charles. After all this, we went back to the College, to the Health Center (Gym), to play basketball, I didn't play but my brother did it. Instead I talked to Mónica. At the end we all went back to our host families.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Hollis Garden
Hollis Garden is a formal garden, a 1.2 acre site located within the historic Lake Mirror Park. Here you will find over 10,000 flowers, ornameltal shrubs and shade trees. It's located in the heart of downtown Lakeland. Its location and beauty make it the perfect place for weddings.
"In all things of nature there is something marvelous" - Aristotle
Monday, July 18, 2011
Pool Party at Hewett's house
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Swimming pool
The classes finished at 12:30 so aafter that we went to have lunch to the college cafeteria. Then we went to the swimming pool, we spend three hours there and we had a great time. The weather was nice but it was too hot, We got to the college at 5:00 o'clock were our host-families picked us up.